Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Rip Off Report:Ronda Strauser eBayer never supplied merchandise once paid ripoff Manchester Iowa

Yet another place to file on Ronda. The Rip Off Report. It shows up in Google now when you search for Ronda Strauser. Life is good.

Rip Off Report:Ronda Strauser eBayer never supplied merchandise once paid ripoff Manchester Iowa

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ronda Strauser's Feedback

Found this link directly to Ronda's negative feedback on Yahoo Auctions.

Ronda Strauser Negative Feedback

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ronda & Leo Strauser @ PayPal

Ronda and Leo have a new PayPal account, everyone beware!

It is associated with:


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Got ripped off?

Gotten ripped off by an eBay Grifter?

I did.

What is an eBay Grifter?

An eBay Grifter is someone that uses multiple IDs to create a profile that looks good, then runs off with everyone's money. They will use multiple IDs, PO Boxes and other things to take your money and run.

So I setup this site. Been ripped off by an eBay Grifter? Post a warning here to other users to help avoid this issue. With a little work they can be identified and weeded out of the system.

Oh, and this is not just for eBay Grifters. Other auctions have the same problem, usually with the same people. So, let it rip, lets get rid of the grifters.